Heartworm treatment can save your pet!
Heartworm is potentially fatal for dogs and cats. It only takes one bite from an infected mosquito for this disease to be transmitted. It first starts off in larvae form which doesn’t cause any risks on their own but grow into the adult form which can attack your pet’s organs.
Heartworm risks have increased over the past few years, especially in suburban and coasted areas. Heartworm disease can become costly and very complex in the adult stages, that’s why heartworm treatment can save your pet. Heartworms live for 5 to 7 years once they reach adulthood, so it may be years until you can see the symptoms.
How heartworm treatment works
Heartworm treatment comes in two forms, tablets and a once-a-year injection. This treatment is a preventative measure to stop the contraction of heartworm. You can start your puppy on heartworm treatment from around 8-16 weeks. It could take up to 6 months for larvae to grow past the point where prevention will be effective.
Therefore, it is crucial to start your pet on Heartworm treatment, this treatment is ongoing throughout your pet’s life. Always seek vet advice on your treatment options, starting your pet on heartworm preventatives without advice can lead to health problems.
When should you get your pet tested?
Heartworm testing depends on a number of factors such as:
- Your pet’s age.
- If you have stopped or forgotten to give heartworm treatment
- How long a pet has gone without treatment.
- If your pet has recently travelled to an area where heartworm is common
Typically, if your pet if 7 months old or older then they should be tested before starting the prevention treatment. Heartworm preventative treatments do not kill adult heartworm.
A heartworm test is critical as heartworm preventative can be harmful and deadly if your pet is infected with heartworm. If you start treating your pet with the early stages of heartworm, this can cause a shock reaction and possibly death. Testing is also recommended annually even if your pet is on heartworm preventative.
Ways to prevent heartworm.
The best way to prevent heartworm is by getting your pet started on heartworm treatment as early as possible. This can be done by talking to your veterinarian professional, as there are many things to consider which treatment is right for you.
As heartworm is contracted mosquitos, so there isn’t a way to prevent heartworm without medication. In saying that, it may be more common in some areas and regions, especially in coastal locations.
Why heartworm treatment is important.
Heartworm treatment is just like any necessary treatment like vaccinations and regular worming. These treatments are essential to your pets happy life and break the heartworm cycle. Although it may take 5 to 7 years for heartworm to show any symptoms, the surgery involved will cost you thousands of dollars.
In conclusion, heartworm treatment could save your pets life. You can start the treatment at a young age and it will guarantee no surprises later in your pets life. Heartworm can take up to 5 to 7 years to affect your pet, so they might not show any symptoms until its too late. Once the heartworm develops, a costly surgical procedure can be well into the thousands of dollars. Don’t take the risk with your pets life and talk to your veterinarian to see all your treatment options.
At My OwnVet, we are more than ready to have help your dog through any issues and prevent more problems. Call our office at 07 3277 6594 or use our online booking to schedule your pet’s next check-up!
Until next time,
Your friend and vet expert,